Tuesday, July 27, 2010

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LADY GAGA # 1 Online Marketing Seminar Overview Day of May 5, 2010

7 Reasons why a company should not substitute its official website a page on Facebook:

1 - Branding and Reputation
A website today is the most powerful branding tool that can have a business. Removing the Facebook site and concentrating on the company will lose an important opportunity to enhance the Branding brand of the company and its products.

2 - Third Party Advertising
The company may lose control of the advertising that is displayed on the website of the company's Factbook. With your own website may or may not put advertising if desired.

3 - SEO. Search engine optimization

Failure to be able to change the title tag of the pages of Facebook is the most important reason from the standpoint of SEO. Other reasons have to do with the design and control the content and internal links.

4 - Web Analytics
lose the ability to know with accuracy and depth site statistics from the basics such as visits to the ability to conduct research of keywords.

5 - Accessibility
The company is at risk of losing track of server problems and low service.

6 - Terms and conditions
The company must comply with the terms and conditions of Facebook rather than to establish at its discretion and preference.

7 - Privacy
The company will lose control over the privacy of customers who join their Facebook page.

Conclusion: Facebook is an excellent platform for communication and interaction with customers but should never replace the essential tool for online brand image which is a web site. There may be companies that do not have the resources to handle both long-term but certainly worth the investment.

The origin of this paper came from reading:
Is it wrong to close the site of a publisher to concentrate on Facebook?

Ms. Maria Soledad Balayan
Graduate degree in Economics Business @ UTDT
founding member of the Di Tella Marketing Club
Director of Marketing and Systems Maure Inmobiliaria
Author of Online Marketing chapter of the book Business Technology Value Express.

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