Marketing 2010 Best of the blogosphere in different formats: Oblogo TIdt communities and La Di Tella Marketing Club are pleased to invite you to the seminar on Information Technology Applied to Marketing and Sales.
Date: April 22, 2010
Hours: 19:00 to 21:00 pm
Place: Miñones of UTDT, Auditorium
Free activity. Previous registration required this link .
Summary: The use of applied IT to Marketing and arises from the implementation of a culture of customer-oriented work. This seminar will share knowledge and best industry practices in the use of tools for Customer Relationship Management. There were also cases of companies Success Real Estate Services and Editorial Services that implement a Culture of Management and Customer Relationship IT knew how to choose the time available for each particular situation of each company.
invite you to share the decisions that led the development of various Case Studies in Information Technology applied in areas of Marketing and Sales, and participate in an open discussion with a panel of experts on the subject.
Who is it for? The event is aimed at business areas responsible for sales and marketing, areas of systems and processes used in Marketing and Sales Services and Consumer Products. Responsible for SMEs and entrepreneurs who must optimize their investment in systems and resources.
Event Schedule
-19:00 pm - Introduction
: Susana Silberberg, founder and coordinator of the user-community TIdt UTDT IT and head of the DMCLUB Networking - Marketing Club UTDT. What does a Culture
CRM and what are the market leading products? The importance of having an implementation strategy and cost-effective solutions and high impact special situations of high volatility in business processes and for different life cycles in business. Synergy and relationship between IT applications in marketing and sales operations.
-19:10 pm: "Culture and Technology CRM Speaker: Claudia Sosa
, GrowIT Commercial Director. SugarCRM Administrator Group in Latin America on LinkedIn.
- Curves of adopting a CRM. Impact on processes and HR. Presentation of the SugarCRM platform. Features. Use cases in multiple areas of business in the region.
19:30 pm: Case Logika: Using CRM to selling books online measure Speaker: Juan Pablo
Pisano, Director General de Ediciones Logika.
-Implementation of CRM Project, staff incentives affected.
-specific loyalty programs and reactivation based on a CRM platform.
-Return of the implementation of a CRM project. ROI of the project. Interrelation
-Sugar platform CRM with Web sites, shopping carts, billing management systems, etc.
-20:00 pm: Case Maure Inmobiliaria :
The challenge of finding the IT tool to interact with clients without resorting to large budgets.
Speaker: Maria Soledad Balayan
, Maure Marketing Director and Editor of Real Estate Blog and Website Marketing Club La Di Tella.
- Optimize the use of technology companies to provide a new customer service in an efficient and personalized. Larz benefits and short term were obtained by implementing the system.
-20:15 pm: Real Estate TGLT case: evolution of the use of IT in Marketing and Sales Speaker: Susana
Silberberg, Consultant Strategies Using IT for Continuous Improvement of Business Processes.
- The importance of designing a solution tailored to each client and business situation with integral vision of Systems, Processes, Culture and Human Resources to select the best solution for all times. The natural evolution "of the buying decision-making.
-20:30 pm: Open discussion Q &
View Flyer UTDT of the invitation to the seminar.
Ms. Maria Soledad Balayan
Graduate degree in Economics Business @ UTDT
founding member of the Di Tella Marketing Club