Thursday, April 29, 2010

Initiation Food Games

Seminar Online Marketing Day May 5, 2010

One strategy used by portals and online newspapers to get information to make editorial notes, is to consult with registered users on matters of general interest.

The newspaper The Nation has done on several occasions. Especially a few weeks ago consulted with users on "moving", a theme related to the purchase / sale of property and / or rental properties. What I would emphasize in this note was the strategy of including in it the banner of Zonaprop , portal properties belonging to Dridco, The Nation Group company.

This Nation accomplishes two goals and an interesting synergy in a single space:

  • Information through their readers, to make a note of editorial content.

  • used the information for advertising a website belonging to the enterprise and is closely related to the theme.

Once you get the views of registered users, the newspaper published a new note and re-incorporate the contextual advertising banner in the article.

The editorial note was published on a Saturday in April on the charge properties of the Nation: Key move when

Ms. Maria Soledad Balayan
Graduate degree in Economics Business @ UTDT
founding member of the Di Tella Marketing Club
Director of Marketing and Systems Maure Inmobiliaria
Author of the chapter of the book Online Marketing Technology Business Value Express .

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Glory Hole Meets In Columbus Ohio

Seminar on Information Technology Applied to Marketing and Marketing Di Tella

Les approach brief presentations and videos of the seminar held on 22 April at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella which addressed issues of information technologies applied to the area Marketing and Sales.

Summary and points important to consider

  • Beyond the CRM software is a culture of work.
  • required commitment and involvement of all staff with customer focus.
  • is important to define goals and processes before considering implementing any software.
  • There are different alternatives and systems to interact with customers. There are also various price ranges, each company must evaluate what is best for you, be implemented in stages and go climbing as time passes.
  • CRM fucionalidades may extend into ERP or others, recommended to analyze the desirability of integrating with other applications or extend the CRM.

"Culture and Technology CRM
Speaker: Claudia Sosa , Commercial Director GrowIT . SugarCRM Administrator Group in Latin America on LinkedIn.
- Curves adoption of a CRM. Impact on processes and HR. Presentation of the SugarCRM platform. Features. Use cases in multiple areas of business in the region.

Maure Inmobiliaria Case: The challenge of finding the IT tool to interact with clients without resorting to large budgets.
Speaker: Maria Soledad Balayan , Marketing Director and Editor Maure Estate Blog and Website Marketing Club La Di Tella.
- Optimize the use of technology companies to provide a new customer service in an efficient and personalized. Larz benefits and short term were obtained by implementing the system.

Case Pexo Group: Thousands of Customers? The right message for each
Speaker: Daniel Soldan. Pexo Group CEO.

Presentation Daniel Di Tella Sultan
View more presentations from ditellamarketingclub . Brief

videos of the seminar:

Event Organization by Susana Silberberg and Maria Soledad Balayan
Graduated from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and founders of the communities TIdt and Di Tella Marketing Club .

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kate Playground Forum Set

The Club now in

Seminar: "Strategic Marketing in the digital age. Case Amazon and its evolving business model, "

area Executive Education Business School is pleased to invite you to participate in its workshop on Strategic Marketing in the digital age , by teachers Ricardo Rodriguez and Mariano Varela , to be held 3, May at 19h in See Figueroa Alcorta University.
Free activity. Prior registration required
this link

This seminar will describe the dynamics new generation of competitive advantages , marketing strategies and innovative business models , from the adoption of digital technologies . Will present the conceptual framework and then, through the evolution of business models the company Amazon, is an example of how it can expand and modify the business model, including the company's new venture in the field of service delivery Cloud computing.

Professors: Ricardo H. Rodríguez.
MBA, Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico. CPA, UBA. PAD, IAE. Business consultant specializing in areas of development and strategic implementation, marketing, and distribution channels. He is Director of Strategic Marketing Program (UTDT Business School) and Professor DG area (UADE Business School). Has nearly 30 years of professional experience, he held various management positions at companies such as Hewlett Packard and Lenovo. Author of several books with themes of leadership and Marketing.

Mariano Varela
BA in Communication Sciences, University of Salamanca. He is a recognized business executive in the entertainment world, participated in the venture and held positions in advertising agencies as Young & Rubicam and Leo Burnett. Is Executive Vice President and General Manager of Claxson Interactive Group, a leading media in Latin America, and member of the Board of Directors Playboy TV Latin America. Winner of two prestigious awards: Gold Mercury Grand Prix by the Asociación Argentina de Marketing & Jerry Goldenberg Award. Author of Everything is Personal. Link to

flyer of UTDT

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hindiinvitation Matter

Twitter Twitter and Facebook as a platform to send comments to TV

reminder that tomorrow Thursday April 22 seminar will take place on information technologies applied to Marketing and Sales.

is your opportunity to learn in depth what is CRM and how it applies to different areas and businesses. There were also cases of successful implementation of various tools to interact with customers.

Date: April 22
2010 Time: 19:00 to 21:00 hs
Location: Headquarters Miñones of UTDT , Auditorium
Free activity. Registration required in this link.

Flyer with the schedule of the event

Friday, April 16, 2010

Well Known Psychitrists In Hyderabad

The phenomenon of Trolls or "outrageous "as he calls Roberto Pettinato

Do you know that between 1999 and 2009, 49,810 articles were published in academic journals (refereed) related to Marketing, Purchasing, Procurement and Supply Chain Management, of which only 33 tried or came from Argentina (as EBSCO Business Source Premier)?

To enhance the production of knowledge about relationships with suppliers and customers from the country , offers the opportunity to charge Sales Purchasing and participate - and profit from - a study conducted by the Business School of Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.

Please refer to attached link if you maintain contact with corporate customers (companies) : .

If you maintains contact with suppliers , contact: .

It takes about 8 minutes,

Thank you for your contribution!

project Aurelia L. Durand
Business School of Universidad Torcuato Di Tella

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dragon Ball Z Kamehasutra Vidéo

Business Call for projects

Les approach the event invitation on Online Marketing: Online Marketing

Day Date: Wednesday 5 May
Hours :
10:00 a.m. Venue: Hotel Sheraton Libertador ( Av Córdoba 690)

Event Speakers

Lorena Amarante, Marcelo G Cisneros, Juan Damia, Miguel Lederkremer, Carlos Maltagliatti, Julian M Drault, Anne Marie Richard, Patricia Tomasini, Pablo Casal, Jonathan Baldovino, Herebia Germain, Diego Medinaceli. Agenda

  • Social Networks: How to achieve visibility and drive qualified traffic to our marketing activities.
  • niche strategy: Building and arrival at specific audiences, segmented by time and interest.
  • Web Traffic Analytics (Web Analytics): The importance of proper tagging to measure performance.
  • From paper to digital world: How to complement a physical business with a virtual channel and not die trying.
  • Marketing Strategy: From the genesis of a idea, planning and implementation. IPLAN
  • Case: Breakdown of online MKT strategy behind the company.
    Know your audience: Survey data from your customers, learning and behavior analysis. The CRM.
  • Email Marketing: Send a mail vs. plan, measure and re-learn from the campaigns. Clickstream from the mail.
  • MK Online Industry: Online vs. paper, television and radio. Where to invest and how much?

Other means of information about the event:


In The Blog emBlue

Group training emBlue Linkedin

For more information go to , and consultation to communicate with Worktec Argentina +54.11.4703.2000 /

Monday, April 5, 2010

Guitar Hero Dongle Ps3 For Sale

Marketing 2010 Best of the blogosphere in different formats: Oblogo

TIdt communities and La Di Tella Marketing Club are pleased to invite you to the seminar on Information Technology Applied to Marketing and Sales.

Date: April 22, 2010
Hours: 19:00 to 21:00 pm
Place: Miñones of UTDT, Auditorium
Free activity. Previous registration required this link .

The use of applied IT to Marketing and arises from the implementation of a culture of customer-oriented work. This seminar will share knowledge and best industry practices in the use of tools for Customer Relationship Management. There were also cases of companies Success Real Estate Services and Editorial Services that implement a Culture of Management and Customer Relationship IT knew how to choose the time available for each particular situation of each company.

invite you to share the decisions that led the development of various Case Studies in Information Technology applied in areas of Marketing and Sales, and participate in an open discussion with a panel of experts on the subject.

Who is it for?
The event is aimed at business areas responsible for sales and marketing, areas of systems and processes used in Marketing and Sales Services and Consumer Products. Responsible for SMEs and entrepreneurs who must optimize their investment in systems and resources.

Event Schedule

-19:00 pm - Introduction : Susana Silberberg, founder and coordinator of the user-community TIdt UTDT IT and head of the DMCLUB Networking - Marketing Club UTDT. What does a Culture
CRM and what are the market leading products? The importance of having an implementation strategy and cost-effective solutions and high impact special situations of high volatility in business processes and for different life cycles in business. Synergy and relationship between IT applications in marketing and sales operations.

-19:10 pm: "Culture and Technology CRM
Speaker: Claudia Sosa , GrowIT Commercial Director. SugarCRM Administrator Group in Latin America on LinkedIn.
- Curves of adopting a CRM. Impact on processes and HR. Presentation of the SugarCRM platform. Features. Use cases in multiple areas of business in the region.

- 19:30 pm: Case Logika: Using CRM to selling books online measure
Speaker: Juan Pablo Pisano, Director General de Ediciones Logika.
-Implementation of CRM Project, staff incentives affected.
-specific loyalty programs and reactivation based on a CRM platform.
-Return of the implementation of a CRM project. ROI of the project. Interrelation
-Sugar platform CRM with Web sites, shopping carts, billing management systems, etc.

-20:00 pm: Case Maure Inmobiliaria : The challenge of finding the IT tool to interact with clients without resorting to large budgets.
Speaker: Maria Soledad Balayan , Maure Marketing Director and Editor of Real Estate Blog and Website Marketing Club La Di Tella.
- Optimize the use of technology companies to provide a new customer service in an efficient and personalized. Larz benefits and short term were obtained by implementing the system.

-20:15 pm: Real Estate TGLT case: evolution of the use of IT in Marketing and Sales
Speaker: Susana Silberberg, Consultant Strategies Using IT for Continuous Improvement of Business Processes.

- The importance of designing a solution tailored to each client and business situation with integral vision of Systems, Processes, Culture and Human Resources to select the best solution for all times. The natural evolution "of the buying decision-making.

-20:30 pm: Open discussion Q &

View Flyer UTDT of the invitation to the seminar.

Ms. Maria Soledad Balayan
Graduate degree in Economics Business @ UTDT
founding member of the Di Tella Marketing Club

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Monica Roccaforte-free Bella

We have introduced a new channel to be connected with the Di Tella Marketing Club.
Now you can follow the developments of the Marketing Club and the School of Business UTDT through Twitter.
Follow us on: