Monday, November 1, 2010

Gay Cruising Places , Kolkata

Marketing Seminar How can Social Business models that work? Seminar Presentations

ENI Di Tella (Inclusive Business Area of \u200b\u200bthe UTDT) is pleased to invite you to the seminar organized jointly with the Civil Partnership Ashoka:

"How Social Business models make them work? " taught by Professor John Mullins -London Business School. (Conducted in English)


T. University Di Tella, John Mullins, Getting to Getting

Plan B to Plan B: Breaking Through to a Better Business Model, John Mullins and
Randy Komisar, Harvard Business Press, September 2009, English edition 2010

How can Social Business models that work?
• A key challenge for many social entrepreneurs is to find
business model that is truly sustainable. Otherwise, their fate rests
at the mercy of donors, which usually go
losing interest over time. Showing
examples such as the African Leadership Academy,, Patagonia and others, this talk offers
a process and a systematic framework that sheds new light on this and
offers a solution to the lack of donations.

The seminar will be delivered on Monday, November 15, at 18 pm, University Torcuato Di Tella (Miñones 2177, Auditorium). The seminar will be in English without simultaneous translation. Interested

register by sending name, surname and ID number through the following contact form

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Do You Capitalise Existentialism?

ICT in Government - Cases of E-Government in

Les approach seminar presentations in UTDT, October 2010
The Use of ICT (Information teconologia and Communication) in government - Cases of E-Government

Susana Silberberg (Founder and coordinator of TIdt, CEO of Susana Silberberg & Asociados, a consultancy in optimizing the use of ICT in Business):

Introduction to eGovernment with Vision Systems, Processes, Culture and People .

Prince Lucas Pools Jolie - Changes and Trends in Electronic Government IT.

Finquelievich Susana (Researcher, CONICET, Program Director for Research on Information Society, iigg-FSOC-UBA, President of LINKS Association Civil for the Study and Promotion of the Information Society):
Open Government and M-government.

Hannibal Carmona (President of Unitech, a leading developer of systems for Government): Presentation of TRAMIX

, comprehensive solution to computerize public administration. It will present several cases of application of the tool in different agencies and jurisdictions ..

Gustavo Sacks (Chief Information Officer Government of San Juan): Re-design
ICT Model Management.

Alicia Bañuelos (Rector of the Universidad de la Punta, San Luis):
San Luis: A Digital State

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Wishes For My Boss

UTDT Seminar The Use of ICT in Government UTDT Seminar: The use of ICTs in organizations

The CT Users Community (TIdt) and the Department of Graduate and Professional Development Seminar invite the Use of ICT (Information and Communication teconologia) in Government E-Government Case

Location: Auditorium - See Miñones , Miñones 2177, Belgrano, Buenos Aires
Date: Thursday October 21 at 19:00
Free activity.
requires advance registration. Link to Flyer to register online

• New information technologies applied to e-government
• Impact of E-Government in Society
• Trends for a Knowledge Society
• Top Stories told by its protagonists
• Open discussion with heads of government, universities and companies


Susana Silberberg (Founder and coordinator of TIdt, CEO of Susana Silberberg & Asociados , consultant in optimizing the use of ICT in Business): Introduction to eGovernment

with Vision Systems, Processes, Culture and People. Susana

Finquelievich (Researcher, CONICET, Program Director for Research on Information Society, iigg-FSOC-UBA, President of LINKS, Civil Association the Study and Promotion of Information Society):

Open Government and M-government.

Anibal Carmona (President Unitech, a leading developer of systems for Government): Presentation of TRAMIX

, comprehensive solution to computerize public administration. It will present several cases of application of the tool in different agencies and jurisdictions .. Gustavo

Sacks (Director of Information Government of San Juan): Re-design

ICT Model Management. Alicia Bañuelos

(Rector of the Universidad de la Punta, San Luis):

San Luis: Digital State

Open Debate

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Pharmaceutical Calculations 1:8000

Leveraging seasonal demand for keywords (SEO Analytics Emailing)

Les approach the summary of the seminar at the Innovation in Communication UTDT were presented cases from the brands: Actimel, Havanna, Hare mutinous (bicycle test) and Wal-Mart . Germain

Herebia , Founder and CEO of : How to monetize their online media advertising stock

- monetize media Advertising in 3 ways: CPM (cost per thousand impressions), CPC (Cost per Click) and CPA (Cost per Action, for example Download of aplicactivo, completed form, etc.).
- CPC is the most widely used because it balances the risks , while CPM is the highest risk for the advertiser.
- The Stock Advertising on the Internet half is distributed as follows:
25%, equivalent to what is in the Prime Time TV (sold CPM) CPM
25% (lower price) +
CPC 50% (lowest price, which is to sell)
"The big brands pay for CPM, while entrepreneurs are moved by CPC absorbing lower risk.
- Advertising is sold as "Long Cola: 50% more coverage and 50% in different cables inside guys like newspapers. AdNetworks exist that consolidate small spaces that provide multiple contacts and a greater power of segmentation.
- Google Adsense is Google's AdNetwork charted by number of clicks and not wholesale price.
- The opportunity for advertisers is Buying Value of Supply and Demand versus a fixed value
- There is a tendency to verticality: Sites for Women, Technology, etc.
- Commercial Gte Although measures the eCPM (efective CPM) on average between 3.
- While advertising on Facebook is USD 2/us/año in cable operators USD 20/us/año

Mariano Pasik, Founder of Hare mutinous ideas: The case Hare mutinied. How to make U.S. $ 500 million to become.

- Videos were presented on the success stories Ades, "Natural Florida" and "The test of the bike."
"More important are the ideas that format. If an idea is good through all formats.
-A news sells more than an advertisement.
- There is a huge opportunity for content: with a PC and an idea can go around the world.
- Unilever's Ades campaign was to show that "Wherever you are, you have a sense of taking Ades Nature. "
- What did they do? Covered with grass, plants and flowers Florida Street between MT Alvear and Santa Fe and for 1 day and all the media talked about this.
- Advertising Hare mutinous: Show-way shoot-on how much time you rob a bike in different cities.
- Result: $ 30,000 investment with aroused media interest + equivalent to $ 1,500,000; a news reputation is infinitely more advertising.
- This is to interest the media over the Internet.
-Keep in mind that beyond the budget, the idea remains the engine of business communication. Video

test case of the bicycle in English

The Bicycle Test in Castilian

Video: . zip

Sebastián García Padilla , founding partner and Chief Creative Officer of SINUS Profile:
"From discourse to dialogue" Actimel case, to understand the power of Viralization social networks and online media. Source vs qualified. unqualified. How to fight a false rumor on the Internet?.
-Start video presentation with raising awareness about the nation that not everything online is reliable.
-Faced with a problem of reputation, it is important to respond in the same medium where the sound is generated or controversy. Case Actimel and Sinus campaign created by showing how easy it is to create a rumor and spread it on the web. Today
- Dialogues-no more talks -
- Being Internet-be where we listen-
- Accept the reality, not to get angry if we criticize, not attack it, handle-
- is to monitor and manage content, such as Greenpeace went from "protest" to "celebrate" such as making P & G for the environment
- Note that it is not necessary to respond to any or all.

Word of mouth by Sebastian Padin.

Pablo Alonso, Marketing Manager of Wal-Mart Argentina : The case Wal-Mart Argentina.
- What motivates people to go to the retailers are the products first, then the price (value for money) and finally the experience of buying, payment and other minor variables.
"The DNA of the brand of Wal-Mart is the price.
- Wal-Mart made a radical change of image worldwide:
- From lowest price to customer benefits.
- The company made changes to the exposure of the merchandise inside the premises.
-changed the logo and slogan: "Save money, lived better." The changes were made to: Publications, Local, merchandise, TV, outdoor and Internet.
"The idea of \u200b\u200bnot saving on other things, Wal-Mart has already made the price comparison for you. With saving lives better, buy other things, children's clothing, Coca Cola, etc.
- changed the lay out of long corridors with high-supermarket-aisle cuts and low level roads and grouped Babies areas, food, etc..
- Showroom They set up spaces for people to "enjoy", thus improving the experience of comrpa.
- The slogan is "Forget the money and take care of a better life!"
- Idea is to induce
smart purchase - 80% of the target are women who buy for themselves, their children and husbands. One of the actions in the premises was to reduce the amount of clothing the man.

When asked attendees about the presence of Wal-Mart in social networks, the response was that unfortunately Wal-Mart has very stringent policies that systems often prevent progress in using new communication technologies or new media.

comprehensive changes made by Wal-Mart Argentina

Juan Marenco , president of e4 and Cecilia Marquez Brand Manager Havanna
Havanna case, a brand story that encourages social networking win.

- Assemble a fanpage on facebook is much easier for those brands that are already off-line fans for Havanna.
"Before the company started its presence in the networks, there was already a fan of Havanna Facebook page created by a consumer anonymous. It had 160,000 fans.
- tried to contact the creator of the fan-page but no response.
- fane-released the official page on Facebook Havanna.
- bloggers are fans approached the brand.
- The company achieved a dialogue with consumers. People constantly consult them "By the time ...." regarding local open elsewhere in the country.
- Focus on dialogue with people on the networks, ownership of the speech, create engagement, to be where the consumers.
- Word of mouth remains the most powerful. The difference is that today we heard word of mouth online.

Organization seminar by M. Balayan Soledad (The Di Tella Marketing Club) and Susan Silberberg (TIdt, IT usuarior Community), with the collaboration of Cecilia Botana department Graduate UTDT.

If you are interested in these seminars Follow us on: Twitter

Linkedin Facebook
Update September 14, rejoining some pictures to post.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Closed Tankpurge Dip System

The references in Youtube: most viewed videos from Youtube there

communities Di Tella Marketing Club ( @ marketingutdt ) and IT User (TIdt) and the Department of Graduate and Professional Development are invited to the seminar: Innovation in Communication. Success Stories

Date: Thursday 9 September
Location: Headquarters UTDT Miñones: Miñones
2177 Time: 19:00

Free admission

Online Registration

marketing is always at the service of delivering results. Many times you have to use new tools, innovate and take risks to get to meet them. Specific cases counted by the actors.

Where we stand? What did we do? What do we get?

Exhibitors: German

Herebia (Founder and CEO How to monetize their online media advertising stock

Pablo Alonso (Marketing Manager of Wal-Mart Argentina): The case of Wal -Mart Argentina. Mariano Pasik

(Founder of mutinous Hare Ideas): The case Hare mutinous. How to make U.S. $ 500 million become

Juan Marenco and Cecilia Marquez (Chairman of e4 and Brand Manager of Havanna respectively) Havanna case, a brand story that encourages social networking win.

Sebastián García Padilla (Co-founder and Chief Creative SINUS): "From speaking to the dialogue" The case Actimel for Viralization understand the power of social networks and online media. Source vs qualified. Unqualified . How to fight a false rumor on the Internet?.

Link to the event flyer

Ms. Maria Soledad Balayan
Graduate degree in Economics Business @ UTDT
founding member of the Di Tella Marketing Club Director
Marketing Systems and Maure Inmobiliaria
Chapter Author of the book Online Marketing Technology Business Value Express.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hindi Wedding Dresses

LADY GAGA # 1 Online Marketing Seminar Overview Day of May 5, 2010

7 Reasons why a company should not substitute its official website a page on Facebook:

1 - Branding and Reputation
A website today is the most powerful branding tool that can have a business. Removing the Facebook site and concentrating on the company will lose an important opportunity to enhance the Branding brand of the company and its products.

2 - Third Party Advertising
The company may lose control of the advertising that is displayed on the website of the company's Factbook. With your own website may or may not put advertising if desired.

3 - SEO. Search engine optimization

Failure to be able to change the title tag of the pages of Facebook is the most important reason from the standpoint of SEO. Other reasons have to do with the design and control the content and internal links.

4 - Web Analytics
lose the ability to know with accuracy and depth site statistics from the basics such as visits to the ability to conduct research of keywords.

5 - Accessibility
The company is at risk of losing track of server problems and low service.

6 - Terms and conditions
The company must comply with the terms and conditions of Facebook rather than to establish at its discretion and preference.

7 - Privacy
The company will lose control over the privacy of customers who join their Facebook page.

Conclusion: Facebook is an excellent platform for communication and interaction with customers but should never replace the essential tool for online brand image which is a web site. There may be companies that do not have the resources to handle both long-term but certainly worth the investment.

The origin of this paper came from reading:
Is it wrong to close the site of a publisher to concentrate on Facebook?

Ms. Maria Soledad Balayan
Graduate degree in Economics Business @ UTDT
founding member of the Di Tella Marketing Club
Director of Marketing and Systems Maure Inmobiliaria
Author of Online Marketing chapter of the book Business Technology Value Express.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Getting Gold In Dubai Airport

A Marketing Strategy to achieve synergy between editorial content and advertising

The July 1, 2010 TIdt communities in joint organization with the Latin American Network of Women in Business Management Seminar was held this debate with the participation of prestigious Exhibitors different themes intertwined aligned behind a common goal: the contribution of ICT to the Quality of Life General Organizations and People related. Topics

developed and Speakers of the event:

  • Perspective Culture-Working-Women and Generations: Analía Remedi, Former HP, Managing Director Arg, Uruguay and Paraguay. San Luis
  • Digital Project: Alicia Banuelos, Dean, Univ of La Punta, San Luis.
  • Program Connect Equality ": Andrea Zapata and Deborah Kozak, advisers Min of National Education and the Education Section of the Nation, respectively.
  • IT Project Economic Outlook: Miguel Kurlat, Dir of Markon, former Dir of IT and Telecom Personal Edesur.
  • IT Users Outlook Business Argenina: Alberto Cheeba, President of USER (Arg Association of Users of Information Technology and Communications) Dir Technology and Aerolineas Argentinas

80 people attended the various fields of Business, Government, Culture, Education and Labor. Activity was
nontariff requiring pre-registration.

From now and on the basis of topics suggested by participants, will begin to make further in-depth meetings on different subjects with similar holistic view of systems, processes, culture and people and taking advantage of change management methodologies to maximize IT using the least possible human and economic cost. Ms. Susana Silberberg

MBA Graduate @ UTDT
Founder and CEO Susan Silberberg & Associates

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kate Playground Setforum

applied IT Seminar Summary of Marketing and Sales in

The seminar brings together leading professionals and academics who will speak on the following topics and then move to an open debate. Organised by the IT user community, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (TIdt).

Flyer Online

Thursday, 1 July, 18:30 h
Location: Headquarters Miñones UTDT, Miñones 2177, auditorium.
Free activity.
requires advance registration. Online Registration

Articulating systems, processes, culture and people
Managing the economic impact of IT projects
Improving quality of life of the people involved
with gender: women and ICTs
18:30 - 19h

Introduction and presentation of remarks by panelists Susan Silberberg (founder and coordinator of the Community of IT users UTDT).

Lidia Heller and Solange Grandjean (Responsible for Wim Red - Argentina): "What it means for women to use ICTs?". Analía

Remedi (ex CEO of HP): "The technology, women and the younger generation."

19 - 20:30 pm

Susana Silberberg (CEO of Susana Silberberg & Asociados): "Harnessing ICTs to manage change in business processes with integrated vision systems, processes, culture and people."

Alicia Bañuelos (Rector of the Universidad de la Punta, San Luis), "The Plan of San Luis province for 20 years (San Luis Digital) with the objective of including all people in the knowledge society." Susana

Finquelievich (CONICET, Program Director for Research on Information Society, Gino Germani Research Institute, UBA, President of LINKS, Civil Association for the Study and Promotion of the Information Society): "The impact of ICT in public services." Miguel

Kurlat (Director of Markon, Former Director of IT, Telecom Personal and Edesur): "The use of ICT in businesses and their economic impact."

20:30 - 21h

Open Debate: Are under-utilized IT in business?

Contact: Cecilia

Botana (54 11) 5169 7160
Miñones 2177, Buenos Aires

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Monday, May 31, 2010

How Can I Start My Own Waxing Buisness From Home

UTDT Seminar: Strategic Marketing in the digital age. Amazon Case

do I mean by seasonal demand for keywords?

There are months in the year in which certain activities or events can increase both the number of visits to a site and demand for certain phrases or keywords in the search engines.
This creates an interesting opportunity for those sites that sell online advertising and need to attract as much traffic as possible.
The opportunity is greater in cases where the official site of the organization or company that should provide more complete information about the event, no has a good natural search engine positioning (no work for SEO , and often do not know what it is).


The site Maure Inmobiliaria has, since 2007, with a special section on Art, Design and Decoration , where he will report on news and events taking place in the city of Buenos Aires and are related to those areas.
the weekend of May 22, 2010 was the 10th edition of La Feria Puro Diseño at La Rural. A few weeks before the event, people interested in the fair, begins to search (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.) With different objectives: to see the date exact exposure times, the amount of entries, exhibitors, address, map of the event, etc. For
Maure, Art section has no advertising and that the main objective is to provide an additional service to inform customers and users on topics that are related to the decorating department. What we noted was that basic information about the event (dates, times, location map and link to official website), we achieved a considerable increase in traffic of the page, reaching a 125% increase over the average visits that section of the site.

The following charts illustrate the increase in traffic of that section due to seasonality.
(A graph belongs to the Google Analytics and other service provider called Statcounter.)

Note: All received increased traffic section is attributed solely to onpage SEO tasks for this case.

strategies and actions to take advantage of seasonal

1 - Web Analytics: is important to detect seasonal keywords that I can use on site or a particular section of the site. This is done by analyzing and comparing statistics on a regular visitors using Google Analytics or similar tools and being informed about events and developments that relate to the market where the company operates.

2 - On Page SEO : is necessary to gradually modify the Title Tag (the title of the page you see in Internet Explorer) and the Description Tag on the seasonal period with the corresponding keywords. The same thing we do with the content of the page that provides information about the event updated with relevant information.

3 - Off Page SEO : Report on other sites and social networks that the company has information about the event trying to get external links.

4 - E-mailing : If the company has a database of registered customers (who once requested to receive such updates) and have a Newsletter, you can include the link that corresponds to the section of the site which provides information on the event, which will provide even more web traffic.

5 - Online Advertising : where conduct is justified, Adwords campaigns with those keywords. Clearly, this action only applies to sites where the core business is the sale of online advertising.
Keep in mind that in times of seasonal price increases significantly keywords and may not be as profitable campaign. For that reason those companies that manage the increased traffic through natural position (no sponsored advertising links) will achieve a greater ROI on their actions.

Some events that generate seasonal

Christmas, Easter, Epiphany, New Year's Day, Father's Day, Children's Day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Halloween, etc..

Others: Events, fairs and exhibitions held every year.

ideal for this particular year: the World Cup and everything related to the bicentennial.

Ms. Maria Soledad Balayan

Graduate degree in Economics Business @ UTDT
founding member of the Di Tella Marketing Club
Director of Marketing and Systems Maure Inmobiliaria
Author of Online Marketing chapter of the book Business Technology Value Express .

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

How To Start My Own Waxing Buisness

Seminar on systems to interact with customers (CRM)

How to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhen a video has a considerable amount of views on youtube, I pass the most viewed videos from the network there.

The music and humor, as seen
It is interesting that 6 of the 10 most viewed videos in YouTube history are singers, 2 comedians, and 2 babies.

(to May 16, 2010)

Place 1: The most watched Youtube history with 205,830,267 views is the video of the singer Lady Gaga, "Bad romance" http://www / watch? v = qrO4YZeyl0I

Position 2: He continues to 190,498,617 views, a home video of two brothers: Charlie Bit My Finger - again!

Position 3: Evolution of Dace with views
143,532,969 http://www. / watch? v = dMH0bHeiRNg

Position 4: The video of singer Justin Bieber 140,863,119 with views watch? v = kffacxfA7G4

Position 5: The video for Pitbull "I You Want Me" with 120,697,874 views

Position 6: The video of laughing baby: Hahaha with views 119,843,419

Seat 7: The video Miley Cyrus - "7 Things" with 118,735,107 views

Station 8: the Miley Cyrus video "Party In The USA" with 119,167,692
Position 9: The video of comedian Jeff Dunham "Achmed the Dead Terrorist" with 112,144,022 views


10: another video of singer Lady Gaga "Just Dance" with 110,461,377 views

One of the most watched and most popular last week was Greyson Chance, only 12 years, playing piano and singing "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga at school, achieving reach 14,586,510. that led him to make his performance at the famous talk show of Ellen Degeneres.

Link to the interview and performance in the program:

Greyson Video Link of Chance in school: http : / /

Last year the original video of Susan Boyle on Britains got Talent 2009 program, which was the most popular, did not exceed 100 million.

To see the most watched in history updated in real time to visit: lg = EN & s = mp & t = a

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Kułaga Iwona Zabrze

Participate in the Survey of Relationship Marketing: Relationship with Customers and Suppliers

Online Marketing Seminar Overview Day by Susan Silberberg

the End:
- Who is the other? (D. Medinaceli - Owner @ Ker Group)
- From target to Interest (P. Tomasini - Regional Marketing & Content Director @ Mixplay)
- Niche Audiences (M. Cisneros - VP of Sales @ Smowtion)

  • Advertising Agency to
    Communication Agency, which includes advertising
    -made by people in graphic design and communications but also has general culture for global clients.
    - With the flexibility to integrate traditional advertising (notice in a journal) more strategy

  • The global trend of digital advertising is very strong however in Argentina still not used to pay despite the price convenience, eg, 1 page printed in the Newspaper $ 100,000 reached 400,000 people vs 1 month banner custa kid around USD 30,000 and reaches 1 million people per day.

  • Harnessing technology platform like Amazon, the largest library of books and records of the world sells other things than most business is the sale of books and records.
  • Agencies must get into the mud, understand, and "chase" the user is mobile, it is necessary to translate the message it conveys.

  • There are different online marketing strategies, recommended ALL TEST, explore exploring mistake but who is the consumer, where it is, in what format, etc. 1 strategy and focusing on agency-client-consumer.

  • Ker Group - SME Agency
    - with specialists in Design and Communication with general culture, necessary for this work
    - Designers routed a Twitter profile or create a Facebook group and have general culture improves the results of the work performed.

  • A girl has a higher waist Agency to respond to needs that a big name.

  • The Agency should be Integrated (Digital and Graphic), changing the Marketing axis to talk to talk to Human Resources.
  • is not a bannerciti, a little room, paying little ... try to see what the consumer in each case, follow it, what to do with the media, for example whole advertising while driving or talking on a cellphone.

  • General rule: almost no one invests in learning more about who the other, eg. If someone reads q Security Matters offer baby stroller for traveling in the car.
  • is said to be the Advisor at any time, leaving only the client ever.

  • Remember that the client is mobile and can understand different things at different times.

  • For the One to One Marketing is both (client and agency) should invest!

  • how to pay respect to the monitoring of behaviorism, it comes to investing in arm 1 cluster, approx 5K USD plus a variable CPM (cost per impression). Clarifies that the CPC (Cost per Clik) \u200b\u200bpositions the brand in the mind of what you see (top of mind).
  • One challenge is the sale of digital content.

12.15 hs. Business Strategies
- (M. Lederkremer - Editorial Director @ RedUsers)

  • The Agency should be Integral versus Digital or Print, changing the focus of talk Marketing to speak with Human Resources Network
  • Users provides for the "death of paper" and announced that it has 1 million Monthly Page View the site but the online business still gives no gain, since people access free content such as music, Clarin, etc. It is difficult to sell content! Someone will give it free!
  • legal fight piracy is impossible in Peer to Peer networks ranging from computers to computers and provide Internet content, "it makes no sense to fight pirtería if not see what the next business model
  • A Although residence time in media is:
    - 38% Internet
    - 8% Daily (traditional media)
  • budgets companies are:
    - Internet
    8% - 20% Daily (traditional media)

    This is despite that the costs are:
    - 1 page Clarín $ 100,000 for 400,000
    distributions - 1 banner boy all month USD 30,000 to 1 million pcs / day

  • Models to monetize editorial content:

    1. Free content with advertisers paying
    2. Micropayments: buy notes such as "How to create your community in Facebook for $ 0.10 * 1 million readers
    3. Monthly subscription receivable reading Newspaper USD 15/month for access to limited versions of the company.
    platforms of Amazon Kindle 2-$ 250 3G connection outside world: Amazon made agreements with the world - the book you want q in 45 seconds at $ 10 / book
    - With Ibook not lose focus as with all other connections in addition to what you want to read
    - With Iphone with 2 or 3 USD / program up to Upstore Apple Itunes. There are over 100,000 programs for Iphone, all phones are making applications!.
    - Sell content to a mobile platform

    - 8 attributes to focus on to sell digital content according to Kevin:
    1. Immediacy
    customization 3. Interpretation (eg Linux gives free but charges software manuals, training, etc. It is 1 excellent deal!)
    4. Authenticity (prefer to pay lic and not copies)
    5. Total accessibility (choose the one I want at some point)
    6. Materiality (go see Madonna, chat with the author but the book give away)
    7. Participating in 1 show
    8. Found: selected, edited, this is what you should (are the new intermediarois to continue making money!)

Secretaries and Business (AM Richard - General Manager @ Group SYN)

  • 11 years dedicated to events, seminars and public sales for secretaries, floated the Paper Guide SOS Mom Guide based on the Secretariat.
    - Ex Paper industry.
    - Arg NLetter with 60,000 subscriptions and 20,000 Chile.
    - Sales Advertising Business Model.
    - They stopped making the paper journal.
    - were left to face cycles (a lot of work for little income.)
    - They got a lot on the Online.

  • Evolution:
    - 2005: It was the right hand of the executive secretary (paper guide)
    or-2008: apply the same to another segment, eg. Moms
    - 2009: Changing mission: Standards + communities + NO Online focus
    paper - 2010: 3 projects in operation are being revised
    business model not only to rethink the format but the business model (how will I collect what I sell)!

    Product Guide
    role Business Model: Free Us Product expensive public row + able to increase the base price limited
    Problem: most expensive product

    Product: Focus
    Oline User Guide: how you can ask the system working and sist
    weapon you presuppose to prov X 3 'combo that task pa, pa ask you all presuppose adm. And every secretary scores points by validating / duplicate vendor
    Business Model: The system can ask budget X prov. in 3 minutes.

  • They turned the business model: if 1 1 Event secretary makes the prov Sist select all and tell them all to take action to offer. Ie do not sell more events but qualified contacts who are in need of someone at the right time!
    - is an unlimited growth model that rewards loyalty with which the allocation of the cost is placed on the user.
    - plus the time saving benefits for secretaries, they earn points and prizes
    - with frequency of visits to the site to learn and to work
    - A model of selling
    Leads - try to identify recurring guests
    - Training 
    is with Webinars sold separately with a small fee associated with 1
     permanent training system with testing or not, video and giving copies of annual certification
    - Conversion to Role Model Subscribers
    Training Webinar - From Model Sales Charge Charge for 1 year associated with the sale by seminar
    banking system - have the database of interested (use Epexo years)
    - also working with Adwords and SEO distributed magazine or seminars at both competitors become allies. For example, others who have webinars want them to distribute their seminars
    - So + competitors wider geography
    allies - Discontinue the paper guide
  • New paradigm:
    1. 1 Mom takes a lot of info for different ages of their children
    2. With 1 Search Tools locate the desired info. Segments the info according to the profile that is achieved and is showing you 1 combo f service (your interest)
    3. If the mother reads Safety offers a seat for the baby to the car or in f (user wants) vs. the user-invasive
    4. pay for the entire roll vs. pay for specific segments of the database eg: issues of pregnancy and not the entire strip ...
    5. Start with the head of the user who is searching the Internet
    6. Give it a spin to pay
    7. I do I find the customer at the right time rather than invade my message
    8. Try it guys and if it works projects after measuring scale with all the tools there to measure

Iplan (P. Casal - Marketing and Comunications Director @ Iplan)

Digital Marketing Strategy implemented in company (IPLAN)

  • Phase 1-3 months - Portal and new image
    - New technology:
    - old SME portal serv informative interactive, multi-asset oline (web 2.0). Cli 13,000 companies, 6,800 visits month. Did not reach the client to re-visit in the month
    - Marketing on search engines, content networks.

  • Phase 2 - Integ with CRM and other platforms integrate pa
    Portal - Banners to other sites that generate traffic networks
    - Client-branding between KB
    campaigns - Landing page for each product
    - Unification
  • End Phase 2: Research market to develop a new site, studied sites trataronde technologies and the best thing was to copy each.
    - p Site Usability Study to see how climate sailed the current site, what they liked best, made Focus Group.
    - Changed the CONTENTS & product: the cli choose when to read the product, interfacing, testing, generate traffic or invest in digital media
    - Accessibility: Website with high self-management. Rows executive at
    Portal - Web 2.0 Transaction

  • Phase 3 - Re-engineering of the site with more usable, comfortable +
    - CMS: q every sector of the company to raise its info
    - Shopping Cart
    - Ft
    electronic -
    Youtube Channel - Check cta cte
    - More details products and services: clients write how they did on the site
    - Generating traffic via E-mail Marketing and SEM-SEO.

Results 1 year:
- from 6,000 to 20,000 hits.
- receive 60,000 to 70,000 visits per month
- remain 4 '
- 180,000 people visit the site per month

15.00 hs.
channel planning
- positioning and visibility Social Networking (L. Amarante - Co founder @ Online Marketing Latam)
- Beyond the Banner (C. Maltagliatti - Solution Sales Specialist @ Microsoft

  • a paradigm shift in the Communication Channel Strategy - Positioning and visibility in Social Media:

- Today users involved the creation and distribution of the message. Users are generally more experienced and want to exchange information and expertise with others in social networks.
- Markets are conversations and we are part of those discussions, we must know what they say about us.
- We know how to inform people how to access information and things beyond the search engines to ask people, access to connect with these people via social networks, forums Network, etc. Eg Twitter wondered how I can make 1 OL survey and less than 5 minutes I received many responses (my network answered me! - My Network eg Yahoo Answer , Linkedin to ask questions where others besides mine Networks me answer).

  • Use questions to an expert brokered by my contacts. I use Skype if connected, or specialists to support me get to my contacts.
  • 2009 in USA studies show that traffic referred by Social Media has more impact than searchers (traditional). This shows the trend!
  • A study by Nielsen USA-February 2010 shows the growth of Social Networks in the U.S. and Latam measured in number of active users on Facebook and time interacting in these networks:
    "The global audience grew 30% (UAS) are millions of people!
    - users begin to interact with brands.
  • There is an opportunity to get our message to the social networks where users interact with brands, but you should target and how to reach the target audience from understanding how the user relates to the brand.
  • Today there are more people watching what others do, the more the level of content contributors. We know what actions about which groups ethereal about what genres are doing
  • are marked presence of women in social media.
  • The women take over for Smartphone using twitter or facebook. So women are very active in the Social Networks Developing
  • social games that integrate geolocation, games and applications that integrate geographic location is an opportunity to be present with brands.
  • increasingly large social networks integrate geolocation behaviors. For example you take cell reaches 1 coffee here, which will give you the 2nd coffee.
  • Evolution of Social Media:
    - The blog is the oldest social environment.
    - UGC: user-generated content, such user uploads videos to YouTube.
    - To practice for microblogging on the Web Sites.
    - Email-marketing and distribution components of socialization. Importance
  • integrate with Twitter TV eg. Pettinato on Facebook I'm on all sides, or Integration Plan with 360 ° approach.
  • importance of having a Social Media Marketing Plan
    - that generate engagement, which the user is made FAN, follow us and you tell others ej.Falabella or 1 Garbarino give value to those who follow and recommended.
    - Understanding the context of the message where we
    - Knowing our viralizar networks with different levels 2 and 3 °
    - Do not repeat the same message in all media
    - Have Strategy + Planning + Execution
    - Having a Social Marketing practice, optimized for social media (SEM-SEO social media) are methods for generating conversations about our company and the relay.
    - Increase linkeabilidad referred to a white paper to make labeling simple for people to include us in their links eg. Delicious, Wiggles, etc.
  • we do to integrate?
    - Mush-up integrated with other
    - FAN PAGE: Starbucks own community as to improve service
    - Start our Corporate Blog to communicate
    - Advertising Formats Plataforama + + Pricing + Model Metrics
    games ( Advergames ) 
    the Twitter platform which has now developed to promote advertising
     Google ads to advertise in Social Networks.
    - RRR (English initials Outreach, Relationships and Relevance) to assess where and how often patterns.
    - Integrate content-segmentation-interaction and social inclusion in the graph.
    - Engagement Adds. User:
    - Watch the ad.
    - See the announcement at a social context: if another user likes.
    - Go into your activity feed the impression of what others uss.
  • Increasingly, companies make more use of media and social networks. Qty first users, Twitter and Facebook

Ms. Susana Silberberg
MBA Graduate @ UTDT
Founder and CEO of Susana Silberberg & Asociados
Author of Value Express Business Technology

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Initiation Food Games

Seminar Online Marketing Day May 5, 2010

One strategy used by portals and online newspapers to get information to make editorial notes, is to consult with registered users on matters of general interest.

The newspaper The Nation has done on several occasions. Especially a few weeks ago consulted with users on "moving", a theme related to the purchase / sale of property and / or rental properties. What I would emphasize in this note was the strategy of including in it the banner of Zonaprop , portal properties belonging to Dridco, The Nation Group company.

This Nation accomplishes two goals and an interesting synergy in a single space:

  • Information through their readers, to make a note of editorial content.

  • used the information for advertising a website belonging to the enterprise and is closely related to the theme.

Once you get the views of registered users, the newspaper published a new note and re-incorporate the contextual advertising banner in the article.

The editorial note was published on a Saturday in April on the charge properties of the Nation: Key move when

Ms. Maria Soledad Balayan
Graduate degree in Economics Business @ UTDT
founding member of the Di Tella Marketing Club
Director of Marketing and Systems Maure Inmobiliaria
Author of the chapter of the book Online Marketing Technology Business Value Express .

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Glory Hole Meets In Columbus Ohio

Seminar on Information Technology Applied to Marketing and Marketing Di Tella

Les approach brief presentations and videos of the seminar held on 22 April at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella which addressed issues of information technologies applied to the area Marketing and Sales.

Summary and points important to consider

  • Beyond the CRM software is a culture of work.
  • required commitment and involvement of all staff with customer focus.
  • is important to define goals and processes before considering implementing any software.
  • There are different alternatives and systems to interact with customers. There are also various price ranges, each company must evaluate what is best for you, be implemented in stages and go climbing as time passes.
  • CRM fucionalidades may extend into ERP or others, recommended to analyze the desirability of integrating with other applications or extend the CRM.

"Culture and Technology CRM
Speaker: Claudia Sosa , Commercial Director GrowIT . SugarCRM Administrator Group in Latin America on LinkedIn.
- Curves adoption of a CRM. Impact on processes and HR. Presentation of the SugarCRM platform. Features. Use cases in multiple areas of business in the region.

Maure Inmobiliaria Case: The challenge of finding the IT tool to interact with clients without resorting to large budgets.
Speaker: Maria Soledad Balayan , Marketing Director and Editor Maure Estate Blog and Website Marketing Club La Di Tella.
- Optimize the use of technology companies to provide a new customer service in an efficient and personalized. Larz benefits and short term were obtained by implementing the system.

Case Pexo Group: Thousands of Customers? The right message for each
Speaker: Daniel Soldan. Pexo Group CEO.

Presentation Daniel Di Tella Sultan
View more presentations from ditellamarketingclub . Brief

videos of the seminar:

Event Organization by Susana Silberberg and Maria Soledad Balayan
Graduated from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and founders of the communities TIdt and Di Tella Marketing Club .

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kate Playground Forum Set

The Club now in

Seminar: "Strategic Marketing in the digital age. Case Amazon and its evolving business model, "

area Executive Education Business School is pleased to invite you to participate in its workshop on Strategic Marketing in the digital age , by teachers Ricardo Rodriguez and Mariano Varela , to be held 3, May at 19h in See Figueroa Alcorta University.
Free activity. Prior registration required
this link

This seminar will describe the dynamics new generation of competitive advantages , marketing strategies and innovative business models , from the adoption of digital technologies . Will present the conceptual framework and then, through the evolution of business models the company Amazon, is an example of how it can expand and modify the business model, including the company's new venture in the field of service delivery Cloud computing.

Professors: Ricardo H. Rodríguez.
MBA, Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico. CPA, UBA. PAD, IAE. Business consultant specializing in areas of development and strategic implementation, marketing, and distribution channels. He is Director of Strategic Marketing Program (UTDT Business School) and Professor DG area (UADE Business School). Has nearly 30 years of professional experience, he held various management positions at companies such as Hewlett Packard and Lenovo. Author of several books with themes of leadership and Marketing.

Mariano Varela
BA in Communication Sciences, University of Salamanca. He is a recognized business executive in the entertainment world, participated in the venture and held positions in advertising agencies as Young & Rubicam and Leo Burnett. Is Executive Vice President and General Manager of Claxson Interactive Group, a leading media in Latin America, and member of the Board of Directors Playboy TV Latin America. Winner of two prestigious awards: Gold Mercury Grand Prix by the Asociación Argentina de Marketing & Jerry Goldenberg Award. Author of Everything is Personal. Link to

flyer of UTDT

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hindiinvitation Matter

Twitter Twitter and Facebook as a platform to send comments to TV

reminder that tomorrow Thursday April 22 seminar will take place on information technologies applied to Marketing and Sales.

is your opportunity to learn in depth what is CRM and how it applies to different areas and businesses. There were also cases of successful implementation of various tools to interact with customers.

Date: April 22
2010 Time: 19:00 to 21:00 hs
Location: Headquarters Miñones of UTDT , Auditorium
Free activity. Registration required in this link.

Flyer with the schedule of the event

Friday, April 16, 2010

Well Known Psychitrists In Hyderabad

The phenomenon of Trolls or "outrageous "as he calls Roberto Pettinato

Do you know that between 1999 and 2009, 49,810 articles were published in academic journals (refereed) related to Marketing, Purchasing, Procurement and Supply Chain Management, of which only 33 tried or came from Argentina (as EBSCO Business Source Premier)?

To enhance the production of knowledge about relationships with suppliers and customers from the country , offers the opportunity to charge Sales Purchasing and participate - and profit from - a study conducted by the Business School of Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.

Please refer to attached link if you maintain contact with corporate customers (companies) : .

If you maintains contact with suppliers , contact: .

It takes about 8 minutes,

Thank you for your contribution!

project Aurelia L. Durand
Business School of Universidad Torcuato Di Tella

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dragon Ball Z Kamehasutra Vidéo

Business Call for projects

Les approach the event invitation on Online Marketing: Online Marketing

Day Date: Wednesday 5 May
Hours :
10:00 a.m. Venue: Hotel Sheraton Libertador ( Av Córdoba 690)

Event Speakers

Lorena Amarante, Marcelo G Cisneros, Juan Damia, Miguel Lederkremer, Carlos Maltagliatti, Julian M Drault, Anne Marie Richard, Patricia Tomasini, Pablo Casal, Jonathan Baldovino, Herebia Germain, Diego Medinaceli. Agenda

  • Social Networks: How to achieve visibility and drive qualified traffic to our marketing activities.
  • niche strategy: Building and arrival at specific audiences, segmented by time and interest.
  • Web Traffic Analytics (Web Analytics): The importance of proper tagging to measure performance.
  • From paper to digital world: How to complement a physical business with a virtual channel and not die trying.
  • Marketing Strategy: From the genesis of a idea, planning and implementation. IPLAN
  • Case: Breakdown of online MKT strategy behind the company.
    Know your audience: Survey data from your customers, learning and behavior analysis. The CRM.
  • Email Marketing: Send a mail vs. plan, measure and re-learn from the campaigns. Clickstream from the mail.
  • MK Online Industry: Online vs. paper, television and radio. Where to invest and how much?

Other means of information about the event:


In The Blog emBlue

Group training emBlue Linkedin

For more information go to , and consultation to communicate with Worktec Argentina +54.11.4703.2000 /

Monday, April 5, 2010

Guitar Hero Dongle Ps3 For Sale

Marketing 2010 Best of the blogosphere in different formats: Oblogo

TIdt communities and La Di Tella Marketing Club are pleased to invite you to the seminar on Information Technology Applied to Marketing and Sales.

Date: April 22, 2010
Hours: 19:00 to 21:00 pm
Place: Miñones of UTDT, Auditorium
Free activity. Previous registration required this link .

The use of applied IT to Marketing and arises from the implementation of a culture of customer-oriented work. This seminar will share knowledge and best industry practices in the use of tools for Customer Relationship Management. There were also cases of companies Success Real Estate Services and Editorial Services that implement a Culture of Management and Customer Relationship IT knew how to choose the time available for each particular situation of each company.

invite you to share the decisions that led the development of various Case Studies in Information Technology applied in areas of Marketing and Sales, and participate in an open discussion with a panel of experts on the subject.

Who is it for?
The event is aimed at business areas responsible for sales and marketing, areas of systems and processes used in Marketing and Sales Services and Consumer Products. Responsible for SMEs and entrepreneurs who must optimize their investment in systems and resources.

Event Schedule

-19:00 pm - Introduction : Susana Silberberg, founder and coordinator of the user-community TIdt UTDT IT and head of the DMCLUB Networking - Marketing Club UTDT. What does a Culture
CRM and what are the market leading products? The importance of having an implementation strategy and cost-effective solutions and high impact special situations of high volatility in business processes and for different life cycles in business. Synergy and relationship between IT applications in marketing and sales operations.

-19:10 pm: "Culture and Technology CRM
Speaker: Claudia Sosa , GrowIT Commercial Director. SugarCRM Administrator Group in Latin America on LinkedIn.
- Curves of adopting a CRM. Impact on processes and HR. Presentation of the SugarCRM platform. Features. Use cases in multiple areas of business in the region.

- 19:30 pm: Case Logika: Using CRM to selling books online measure
Speaker: Juan Pablo Pisano, Director General de Ediciones Logika.
-Implementation of CRM Project, staff incentives affected.
-specific loyalty programs and reactivation based on a CRM platform.
-Return of the implementation of a CRM project. ROI of the project. Interrelation
-Sugar platform CRM with Web sites, shopping carts, billing management systems, etc.

-20:00 pm: Case Maure Inmobiliaria : The challenge of finding the IT tool to interact with clients without resorting to large budgets.
Speaker: Maria Soledad Balayan , Maure Marketing Director and Editor of Real Estate Blog and Website Marketing Club La Di Tella.
- Optimize the use of technology companies to provide a new customer service in an efficient and personalized. Larz benefits and short term were obtained by implementing the system.

-20:15 pm: Real Estate TGLT case: evolution of the use of IT in Marketing and Sales
Speaker: Susana Silberberg, Consultant Strategies Using IT for Continuous Improvement of Business Processes.

- The importance of designing a solution tailored to each client and business situation with integral vision of Systems, Processes, Culture and Human Resources to select the best solution for all times. The natural evolution "of the buying decision-making.

-20:30 pm: Open discussion Q &

View Flyer UTDT of the invitation to the seminar.

Ms. Maria Soledad Balayan
Graduate degree in Economics Business @ UTDT
founding member of the Di Tella Marketing Club

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